Thursday, April 18, 2013

Robin Hood!!!!!!!!!! New portfolio Spring 2013!


Finallyyyyy It's done!!!!!  The term is over!! And I am alive haha! I survived to this super extreme term at the Art Center! This term was a very very special and unique term! I had the tremendous luck to be mentored by Lorelay Bove! A great successful artist, that had been to me one of the best teacher's ever, and one of the best combination of great artist-wonderful person I ever meet. Which I never will have enough thankful words to say how much thankful I am for this experience! Was great!
As a main goal, I developed under her supervision,  a full portfolio Orientated on Visual Development with a focus on Storytelling. I will keep  posting later on about it, because was an incredible learning process.

Also, this term, I had the great luck to count with he Vis dev Class that Ricardo Delgado is giving at the Art Center. He aloud me to develop different aspects of the same portfolio. I am also very thankful to him! Who always have been very supportive and encouraging with me! And from who I learned a lot of sensibility in storytelling.

Richard Keyes is other name I shouldn't forget! The Color and Story Teacher (for whom I am working for as a Teacher Assistant at the Art Center). For giving me always  a lot of confidence in my self, and from who I learned a lot about being passionated about your work!

And well, probably I would never had that much work if I was not counting with the always supportive  Bobby Pontillas. That was always there on my down moments with an always something good and kind to say to push my work further.  Who always had patience for my horrible mood under stress! Thanks for being always there!!

So well thanks to all this people, and the always support of family and friends, and 3 months of reclusive life at home without social life, because of course I also had my other 3 classes at the Art Center, I could proudly present my " Robin Hood" Portfolio, of Summer 2013. A project that gave me a  lot of learning, hard moments, night cries, non sleep, hand pain (because of drawing and re doing work), stress, and pressure, but the most important, a lot of joy and personal satisfaction to be able to finish such an ambitious portfolio. And today that I sleep and took a shower (finally!!! hahaha) I can LOUDLY say that I am VERY HAPPY!!!!! And ready to move on on the next one!!!!!!!

huhu! end of my talk!!! :D


Here is my new Portfolio site in case anyybody wants to see the work after this long talk! hahah!:



Por fin ya he acabadooooo!!!! Y estoy viva! He sobrevivido a este dificilisimo trimestre en Art Center!!
Este Trimestre ha sido tambien, muy especial y unico. he tenido la tremenda suerte De realizar un estudio Independiente con Lorelay Bove! Una gran artista, que aparte de ser un talento en la Industria de la animacion y la perfecta combinacion de genial personalidad, ha sido una de las mejores profesoras que jamas he tenido! Para la cual nunca tendre suficientes palabras de agradecimiento por esta extraordinaria experiencia! Ha sido fantastico!
Como objetivo final para el estudio independiente, he desarrollado bajo su supervision un nuevo portafolio para Concepto visual enfocado en la narrativa. Mas adelante pondre mas detalles de ello, porque ha sido un no parar de aprender!

Ademas este trimestre, he tenido la suerte de contar con la clase de Visual development que Ricardo Delgado da en Art Center. Me ha dado la oportunidad de desarrollar otros aspectos para el mismo portafolio. le estoy muy agradecida a el tambien!! Quien siempre ha sido un pilar de soporte y animos! De quien he aprendido mucho sobre la sensibilidad en narrativa!

Richard Keyes  Es otro nombre que no devo olvidar! El profesor que imparte Color " Story ( Para el cual, ademas trabajo de asistente en Art center).  le doy las gracias por darme siempre mucha confianza en mi misma,   y del cual he aprendido mucho sobre ser apasionado con tu trabajo!

Y bueno, probablemente este portafolio no seria lo que es si no huviera contado con el apoyo de
Bobby Pontillas. Que siempre ha estado ahi en mis momentos bajos, con algo bueno que decir para que no tirara la toalla!
That was always there on my down moments, and who had always something good to say to push my work further. El cual ha tenido mucha paciencia con mi mal humor bajo la presion! Gracias por estar siempre ahi!

Asi que bueno, gracias a toda esta gente, y a el soporte de mis amigos y familia, y despues de 3 meses de vida reclusa en casa sin apenas vida social, porque ademas tenia 3 clases mas en Art center, puedo estar orguyosa de presentaros mi  " Robin Hood" Portfolio, of Summer 2013.
Un proyecto que me ha dado un monton de aprendizaje, momentos duros, noches de llorera, noches sin dormir, daño en la mano (de tanto redibujar y repetir cosas), estres y presion, pero sobretodo lo mas importante, una tremenda  alegria y satisfaccion personal al haber podido completar un portafolio tan ambicioso. Y hoy que por fin he dormido y me he duchado (por fin eh?? jajajaja)  puedo decir a GRITOS que ESTOY MUUUUY CONTENTAA y feliz!!!!!!!! Y preparada para tirar adelante con el siguiente!!!!!!!

Ala! Fin de la charla! :D


Y nada! Aqui os dejo el nuevo portafolio por si a alguien le entra la curiosidad despues de tanta habladuria:


Juan Garrido said...

Wow! Great job Katia! I love all the work you have here. Especially your sensitivity to color with those beautiful plants! Congrats on your graduation too. I know you will do great things. And thanks again for checking out my blog too. :)

Unknown said...

Huhu but I am not graduating yet... is just another normal term!!! hehehehhe!!!! But i really try to come up with a new portfolio every term... so is like I am graduating every term...!!!
Huhu thanks for visiting!!!! And for your cheering words!!! :D

Ro said...

Katia!! m'ha encantat el portfolio!! m'encanta el teu ús del color i l'expressivitat dels teus personatges! i tot el conjunt!! felicitats perquè és un treball exquisit! m'encanta MOOOLT!! :)
una abraçada desde Barcelona!!! muaaaa!