Monday, April 7, 2014

Impostor: The Capgras Syndrome.


This time I bring some special to the blog! I haven't posted in a long time any comic and I was kind of missing it. We had this class that is a Science class, where we can research a topic and make some art for it. I got very excited about one of the topics, It is a very rare psychological disorder that consist in not being able to recognize people familiar to you, to the point that you think that they are Impostors.

Impostor: The Capgras Syndrome is based on a real medical case happened in 1890. (I made up the characte's name because it was  anonymous).

It was a very fun project to research! I just hoped I had more time to spend with the drawings.

Here the link in case is not easy to read:

I hope you enjoy!



Raquel_Martinez said...

Nice work Katia!!

Anonymous said...

love this.