More finals! The good thing from going to the Art Center is that always we have to come with new work.. and a lot! And even if its not mandatory.. here am I for making it mandatory.. haha so well! this is the work for a class called Color and Story, where I am the Teacher Assistant. The kids in the class had to work on the Sleeping Beauty story, but I just felt so excited to see that many work that I wanted to do it also! I get inspired with a song called " Rhythm of Love" from Plain White T's. Here the link in case somebody is curious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dktpycvIyA
As character inspiration I used my boydriend and I guess me hahahahaha!!! It really was hilarious to work on him as a loud little boy!
And well Its a short story about a girl who is sick and laying on a bed, and her Old aunt takes care of her. one day this little Lucas discover her and decides to make her life a little bit happier playing music to her.
Here also a few rough sketches that I liked a lot! I am sorry they are very rough hehe but I they bring me so much good memories!
See you soon!
Mas finales jeje!!! Lo bueno de ir a Art center, es que siempre tienes muchisimo trabajo nuevo que si no es obligatorio.. al final lo acab siendo!
Esta vez es el trabajo para una clase llamada Color and Story, en la que trabajo de asistente del profesor. Los chicos tenian que inspirarse en la historia de la Bella Durmiente, y al final me acabe infectando del entusiasmod e la clase y bueno pues nada yo tambien he hecho mis pinitos!
Me inspire en una cancion que se llama " Rhythm of Love" from Plain White T's, e aqui el link por si hay algun curioso, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dktpycvIyA.
Y para los personajes he usado a mi novio, y supongo que a mi. Ha sido super divertido transformarle en un niño pequeño y chillon!! jejejeje
Y nada la historia trata de una niña pequeña que esta enferma, y esta a cargo de su tia mayor. Un dia Lucas, nuestro pequeño protagonista, la descubre y decide alegrarle un poco la vida tocando un poco de musica.
Tambien he añadido un par de bocetillos de creacion de personajes, que estan un poco difusos, pero que me traen muy buenos momentos.
Hasta prontooo!
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